Thursday, April 2, 2009

25 - AIIMS november 2002 opthalmology mcqs with answers part 2

6q: in the grading of trachoma, trachomatous inflammation – follicular is defined as the presence of ?

a. 5 or more follicles in the lower tarsal conjunctiva
b. 3 or more follicles in the lower tarsal conjunctiva
c. 5 or more follicles in the upper tarsal conjunctiva
d. 3 or more follicles in the upper tarsal conjunctiva

7q: a 8 year old boy presented with swelling in the left eye of 3 months duration, examination revealed proptosis of left eye with preserved vision. Right eye is normal. CT scan revealed intraorbital extraconal mass lesion. Biopsy revealed embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma . metastatic work up was normal. The standard line of treatment is ?

a. chemotherapy only
b. wide local excision
c. enucleation
d. chemotherapy and radiation therapy

8q: a 17 year old girl with keratitis and severe pain in the eye came to the hospital and acanthamoeba keratitis was suspected. The patient gave the history of following 4 points . out of these which is not a risk factor for acanthamoeba keratitis ?

a. extended wear contact lens
b. exposure to dirty water
c. corneal trauma
d. squamous blepharitis

9q: significant loss of vision in a patient with hypertension occur due to all of the following except ?

a. occipital infarct
b. anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
c. papilloedema
d. retinal hemorrhage

10q: a 30 year old male presents with a history of injury to the eye with a leaf 5 days ago and pain, photophobia and redness of the eye for 2 days. What would be the most likely pathology ?

a. anterior uveitis
b. conjunctivitis
c. fungal cornal ulcer
d. corneal laceration

                           Go to part 3 

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