Thursday, April 2, 2009

26 - AIIMS november 2002 opthalmology mcqs with answers part 3

11q: a 60 year old man presented with watering from his left eye since 1 year . syringing revealed a patient drainage system . rest of the ocular examination was normal . a provisional diagnosis of lacrimal pump failure was made. Confirmations of the diagnosis would be by ?

a. dacryoscintigraphy
b. dacryocystography
c. pressure syringing
d. canaliculus irrigation test

12q: a one year old child having leucocoria was detected to be having a unilateral large retinoblastoma filling half the globe . current therapy would involve ?

a. enucleation
b. chemotherapy followed by local dyes
c. direct laser ablation using photodynamic cryotherapy
d. scleral radiotherapy followed by chemotherapy

13q: the standard sutureless cataract surgery done with phaco-emulsification and foldable IOL has an incision of ?

a. 1mm – 1.5 mm
b. 2 mm – 2.5 mm
c. 3 mm – 3.5 mm
d. 3.5 mm – 4.5 mm

14q: in a patient with AIDS chorioretinitis is typically caused by ?

a. cytomegalovirus
b. toxoplasma gondii
c. Cryptococcus neoformans
d. Histoplasma capsulatum

15q: which is the commonest cause of ocular morbidity in the community ?

a. cataract
b. refractive error
c. ocular injury
d. vitamin A deficiency

                  Go to part 1 

25 - AIIMS november 2002 opthalmology mcqs with answers part 2

6q: in the grading of trachoma, trachomatous inflammation – follicular is defined as the presence of ?

a. 5 or more follicles in the lower tarsal conjunctiva
b. 3 or more follicles in the lower tarsal conjunctiva
c. 5 or more follicles in the upper tarsal conjunctiva
d. 3 or more follicles in the upper tarsal conjunctiva

7q: a 8 year old boy presented with swelling in the left eye of 3 months duration, examination revealed proptosis of left eye with preserved vision. Right eye is normal. CT scan revealed intraorbital extraconal mass lesion. Biopsy revealed embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma . metastatic work up was normal. The standard line of treatment is ?

a. chemotherapy only
b. wide local excision
c. enucleation
d. chemotherapy and radiation therapy

8q: a 17 year old girl with keratitis and severe pain in the eye came to the hospital and acanthamoeba keratitis was suspected. The patient gave the history of following 4 points . out of these which is not a risk factor for acanthamoeba keratitis ?

a. extended wear contact lens
b. exposure to dirty water
c. corneal trauma
d. squamous blepharitis

9q: significant loss of vision in a patient with hypertension occur due to all of the following except ?

a. occipital infarct
b. anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
c. papilloedema
d. retinal hemorrhage

10q: a 30 year old male presents with a history of injury to the eye with a leaf 5 days ago and pain, photophobia and redness of the eye for 2 days. What would be the most likely pathology ?

a. anterior uveitis
b. conjunctivitis
c. fungal cornal ulcer
d. corneal laceration

                           Go to part 3 

24 - AIIMS november 2002 opthalmology mcqs with answers part 1

1q: which morphological type of cataract is most visually handicapping ?

a. cortical
b. nuclear
c. posterior subcapsular
d. zonular

2q: a 2 year old child presented with leucocoria in the right eye since 2 months. On examination a total retinal detachment was present in the same eye. Ultrasound B scan revealed a heterogenous subretinal mass with calcification . the most likely clinical diagnosis is ?

a. coats disease
b. retinoblastoma
c. toxocariasis
d. retinal tuberculoma

3q: while working in a neonatal ICU your team delivers a premature infant at 27 weeks of gestation and weighing 1500 gm. How soon will you request fundus examination by an ophthalmologist ?

a. immediately
b. 3-4 weeks after delivery
c. At 34 weeks gestational age
d. At 40 weeks gestational age

4q: a friend of yours has a spectacle correction of – 6.0 and – 8.0 . he telephones you one morning and tells that he has started seeing some opacities floating infront of his eye and that his vision has decreased slightly over the last few days. As an intern in the ophthalmology section, what would you do ?

a. reassure
b. refraction and prescribe a new spectacle
c. direct opthalmoscopy
d. indirect opthalmoscopy

5q: according to the national programme for control of blindness ( NPCB ) survey ( 1986 – 1989 ) the highest prevalence of blindness in India is in ?

a. jammu and Kashmir
b. Orissa
c. Bihar
d. Uttar Pradesh

                        Go to part 2 

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

23 - phacoemulsification cataract surgery videos

I found these great videos on youtube which show the whole surgical procedure of the phacoemulsification cataract surgery . there are two parts . the first one is part 1 and includes the removal of anterior capsule and emulsification of the lens. the second one shows the introduction of the Intraocular lens 
( IOL ) . watch, know , learn and enjoy. They are beautiful .


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