Sunday, March 2, 2008

13 - 151 to 200 important mcqs in opthalmology

151- which type of cataract has high visual morbidity ? posterior subcapsular

152- a person suffered blunt trauma to the right eye with immediate loss of vision , on examination the anterior chamber is deep ? diagnosis ? lens dislocation.

153- IOL is mostly implanted in which chamber ? posterior chamber .

154- good vision in dim light and clumsy vision in day light is a feature of which type of cataract ? nuclear .

155- snow blindness is caused by ? ultravoilet rays .

156- diabetic cataract is due to accumulation of ? SORBITOL .

157- cataract is responsible for what percent of blindness in india ? 75 %

158- subluxation of lens is seen in ? MARFAN'S SYNDROME , MARCHESON'S SYNDROME , HOMOCYSTINURIA . there is no dislocation of lens in lowe syndrome
159- in cataract following operation , spectacles are advised after how many weeks of operation ? 6 WEEKS .

160- type of cataract produced by steroids ? posterior subcapsular.

161- cataract can be produced in experimental animals by depriving them of which amino acid? TRYPTOPHAN .

162- lens develops from ? surface ectoderm .

163- intraocular lenses are made up of ? PMMA

164- rider's cataract is seen in ? zonular or lamellar cataract.

165- a 55 year old female comes to the eye casualty with history of severe eye pain , redness and dimunition of vision , on examination the visual acuity is 6/60 ,
there is circumcorneal congesiton , corneal oedema and a shallow anterior chamber , which of the following is the best drug of choice?
a- atropine ointment b- i.v mannitol c-ciprofloxacin eye drops d-betamethasone eye drops .
---------- ans is i.v mannitol ..... as the diagnosis is acute angle closure glaucoma -- the other three drugs are not used in this case . the other drugs used in AACG are
carbonic anhydrase inhibitors ( acetazolamide ), beta blockers( timolol, carteolol, levobetaxolol and levobumolol) , alpha agonists( apvaclonidine brominidine ) ,
opthalmic miotics , steroids and hyperosmotics ( mannitol , glycerine and isosorbide ) .

166- beta blockers are contraindicated in ? hypotension , asthma and depression.

167- the latest technique in cataract surgery is using ? LASER

168- Yttrium laser - after cataract surgery .

169- among the following 4 which is the ideal rehabilitation for aphakia ? a- spectacles b- contact lens c-anterior chamber intraocular lens d- posterior chamber IOL
---------- ans is posterior chamber iol.

170- a child 6 months old , large cornea and photophobia . diagnosis ? CONGENITAL GLAUCOMA . other causes for large cornea like keratoglobus and megalocornea are mostly
asymptomatic except for partial visual impairment seen only in keratoconus . keratoconus is only characterised by hazy cornea due to fragmentation of the bowmans layer .
there is no impairment of vision in megalocornea.

171- drug of choice for acute congestive glaucoma ? 1-2 % PILOCARPINE . ( miotic , muscarinic agonist ,also used in dry mouth and dry throat ( xerostomia )
which can occur as a side effect of radiation therapy to head and neck .as it increases the salivary secretions and sweat secretions . )

172- 100 days glaucoma is seen in ? CENTRAL RETINAL VEIN OCCLUSION.

173- SAFE strategy( WHO VISION 2020 ) is used in the control of ? TRACHOMA .

174- corneal epithelium is ? stratified non keratinised epithelium.

175- cobble stone appearance of the conjuctiva is typically seen with ? SPRING CATARRH

176- tranta's spots alone are seen in vernal kerato conjunctivitis( SPRING CATARRH ) where as the trantas spots and herbert's pits together are seen in TRACHOMA .

177- features of trachoma are - pannus formation , follicles , papillary hypertrophy, herbert's pits and tranta's spots .

178- what is safe strategy ? surgery , antibiotics , facial cleanliness and environment improvement.

179- blindness in a child is most commonly due to ? keratomalacia - vit a deficiency .

180- horner trantas spots - vernal catarrh .

181- the colors best appreciated by the central cones of the fovea - macular region are ? RED AND GREEN .

182- mydriatic used in children for refraction is ? atropine ointment .

183- for refraction in a hypermetropic child , the best drug is ? atropine ointment

184- the term anisometropia indicates refractive error .

185- most sensitive part of the eye ? fovea centralis .

186- what all can be detected by indirect opthalmoscopy ? periphery of the retina , examination of the fovea , examination of the ora serrrata. the base of the vitreous cannot be
viewed by indirect opthalmoscopy .

187- ocular diseases given importance in vision 2020 program ? cataract , trachoma , glaucoma . refractive errors are not given importance .

188- Homonymous hemianopia caused by lesion in ? optic tract , optic radiation and occipital cortex .

189- in paralytic squint - secondary deviation is greater than the primary deviation .

190- nystagmus which is not pathological ? OPTOKINETIC NYSTAGMUS .

191- basal cell carcinoma at inner canthus of eye treatment? WIDE EXCISION AND RECONSTRUCTION .

192- NADPH DEPENDENT ALDOLASE REDUCTASE - enzyme responsible for accumulation of sorbitol in lens in diabetic patients which leads to cataract.

193- causes for pseudo proptosis? bupthalmos , retraction of the upper eyelid and high axial myopia .

194- most common type of lid carcinoma ? basal cell carcinoma .

195- steroid induced cataract is mostly - posterior subcapsular .

196- most common systemic association of scleritis ? RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS .

197- under the national programme for control of blindness who is supposed to conduct the vision screening of school students ?
--------school teachers .

198- crocodile tears are seen with abnormal facial nerve regeneration.

199- most common allergic manifestation of tuberculosis ? KOEPPE'S NODULES .

200- koeppe's and busaca's nodules are characteristic of - GRANULOMATOUS UVEITIS .

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