Saturday, November 15, 2008

19 - AIIMS november 2008 opthalmology mcqs with answers

to view all the 200 mcqs of AIIMS november 2008 click here

1q: All of the following are true about horner's syndrome except ?

a. ptosis and miosis in ipsilateral eye
b. heterochromia of the iris
c. anhydrosis of the ipsilateral face
d. apparent exopthalmos

2q: which of the following is true about left abducens nerve palsy ?

a. left side adduction weakness
b. diplopia on left gaze
c. ptosis
d. accomodation paralysis

3q: refractory index is maximum for ?

a. cornea
b. anterior surface of lens
c. posterior surface of lens
d. centroid of lens

4q: inclusion conjunctivitis is caused by ?

a. chlamydia trachomatis
b. chlamydia psittaci
c. gonorrhea
d. herpes

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