Wednesday, July 1, 2009

29 - AIIMS MAY 2008 mcqs with answers

1q: Retinitis Pigmentosa is not associated with ?

a. usher syndrome
b. kornzewig syndrome
c. kearns-sayre syndrome
d. marfan syndrome

2q: choroidal neovascularisation is seen in all except ?

a. hypermetropia
b. myopia
c. angioid streaks
d. trauma

3q: Pterygium is  ?

a. an inflammatory response
b. a connective tissue degeneration
c. an infection
d. associated with vitamin A deficiency

4q: which of the following does not handle free radicals in lens ?

a. vitamin A
b. vitamin C
c. vitamin E
d. catalase

5q: A mass present in  muscle cone, encapsulated , presentation in the 3rd-4th decade with gradually increasing proptosis . what is the probable diagnosis ?

a. capillary hemangioma
b. cavernous hemangioma
c. dermoid
d. none

6q: a 12 year old boy comes into room with left sided head tilt , on correcting that he has right sided hypertropia, which increases on left gaze and tilting the head towards right. which muscle is affected ?

a. right superior oblique
b. left superior oblique
c. right superior rectus
d. left superior rectus

7q: diabetic macular edema is due to all except ?

a. disruption of retinal pigment epithelium
b. oxidative stress
c. increased VEGF
d. increased expression of protein kinase 3

8q: which of the following is true about telecanthus ?

a. increase in intercanthal distance with normal interpupillary distance
b. widely separated medial wall of orbits
c. decrease in the intercanthal distance with normal interpupillary distance
d. none

9q: which of the following is true about chalazion ?

a. chronic non-specific inflammation
b. lipogranulomatous inflammation
c. dermoid
d. none

10q: iridocorneal endothelial syndrome is associated with ?

a. progressive atrophy of iris stroma
b. bilateral symmetrical stromal edema of iris and cornea
c. deposition of collagen in descemet's membrane
d. deposition of glycosaminoglycan in descemet's membrane

11q: equal and opposite innervation is explained by which law ?

a. hering law
b. sherrington law
c. sherring
d. donder

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